Objectives of the Project
General Objective
This research project is a community-based study committed to study demographic characteristics
and features of Hossana town. The group established as a sub team of Demographic study of
Hossana town team by the general assembly of the project.
Specific Objectives
i. To find out current total population and its composition of the town
ii. To report population projection figures based on the results of National population and
Housing Census of Ethiopia conducted inMay 2007.
iii. To compute and predict Age structure, Dependency ratios
iv. To compute and forecast Population growth rate
v. To compute
a. Birth rate
b. Death rate
c. Net migration rate
d. Rate of urbanization
e. Sex ratio
f. Mother's mean age at first birth
g. Mortality rates(Maternal mortality rate, Infant mortality rate, so on)
h. Fertility rates
i. Contraceptive prevalence rate
j. Life expectancy at birth
k. Literacy rate