Hosanna is a capital of one of the most populated zone of SNNPR of Ethiopia. Urbanization in these geographic area starts before hundered years from now. Small town ’sechduna’ the former name of hosanna was established around 1980’s.compared to its age the growth/development of the town is not promising compared to some recently formed urban areas like Awasa.Today Unplanned and uncontrolled informal settlement become the main feature of these atrabilious town. Instead of exercising pleasant urban development the town is moving fast to its death without corrective measure taken in history. Most of admistrative leaders and some Informal’s abuse resources while majority of native settlers are deprived from any kind of development for a long period of time.
Furthermore; significant number of out-migration and resulted inward capital flow dramatically changed settlement pattern of rural and urban areas of the zone for previous ten years. Even if; these activity changed economic status of the area and many households,it forces inhabitants to Adopt new culture that is not original which is resulted with fading of vernacular architecture of the area that has been sustained for years. Vernacular architecture is sustainable by its nature, the destruction of adopting new culture as a fashion or showing wealth is beyond identity crise.it is the first step to walk on unsustainable way.
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Post Box 667, Hosaena, Ethiopia