Department Of Animal Sciences

Department Administration

The department administration unit has a head; under the head, the department has postgraduate programs coordinator.

Staffs profile

Currently there is one associate professor, three assistant professors, four PhD candidates, seven lecturers, one graduate assistant and three technical assistants in the department. Currently, there is one associate professor, three assistant professors, four Ph.D. candidates, seven lecturers, one graduate assistant and four technical assistants in the department

Name: Deginet Hailemeskel Abose
Academic Rank: Lecturer
Designation: Head Of Department, Animal Science
Specialization: MS.c, Animal Production
Contact Address: Wachemo University,Hossana, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Telephone(s): +251913341747

Research interest:

  • Apiculture (Beekeeping
  • Animal Nutrition and feed analysis
  • Poultry technology (Physiology, Growth, Heat Stress, production & Reproduction)


  1. Deginet, H. (2015): The Effect of Supplementing Air-dried Moringa stenopetala Leaf to Natural Grass Hay on Feed Intake and Growth Performances of Arsi-Bale Goats. Hawassa University College of agriculture .Agriculture ISSN 2077-0472/ /journal/agriculture.
  2. Deginet H ,Aberra M.,. ,Sandip B. Carcass and meat quality characteristics of aris –bale goats supplemented with different levels of air dried moringa stenopetala leaf . Journal of agriculture and rural development in tropic and sub tropics vol.117 no.2(2016)233-242
  3. Deginet H, Salo.S , and Tadess G. (2016). Village chicken production system and constraints in lemo District ,hadiya Zone ,Ethiopia Poultry fish wild sci 2016.4;158.
  4. Haftu kebde and Deginet H .(2018) Determination of Adulteration and Chemical Composition of Raw Milk Sold in Hossana Town, South Ethiopia journal of Dairy and veterinary sciences vol.6 2018

Name: Wondimu Ayele Lombeno
Academic Rank: Lecturer
Specialization: BSc in Animal and Range Science, MSc in Animal Genetics and Breeding
Contact Address: Wachemo University,Hossana, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Telephone(s): xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Mr. Wondimu Ayele Lombebo is a senior researcher and lecturer at Wachemo University in the College of Agricultural Sciences. He received a bachelor’s degree in Animal and Range Science from Wolaita Sodo University with award of University gold medal and cup, and a master’s degree in Animal Genetics and Breeding with very great distinction from Haramaya University, Ethiopia. He is a young and energetic scholar; currently He is a Dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences in Wachemo University and served in head position of animal science department formerly. His research interests include characterization, animal reproduction and production, farming systems and socio-economic areas.

Publications and Research Experiences:

  • On Farm Phenotypic Characterization of Local Cattle Populations in Hadiya Zone, Southern Region, Ethiopia (DOI:10.4172/2329888X.1000218
  • Reproductive and Productive Performances of Local Cows under Farmer’s Management in Soro District, Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia (e-ISSN:2347-226X p-ISSN:2319-985, published in 2019)
  • Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Dairy Cattle Keeping and Its Role in Poverty Reduction of Livelihoods in Hosanna Town, Southern Ethiopia((, published)
  • Characterization of Local Cattle Husbandry practices in Hadiya Zone, Southern Region of Ethiopia (Under review for publication)

Certificates and Awards:

  • Award of University Cup, Wolaita Sodo University
  • Award of Faculty Medal, Wolaita Sodo University
  • Certificate of appreciation for tutorial rendering for female students
  • Certificate of youth association membership
  • Certificate of AIV AIDS control club membership
  • TOT on Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
  • Certificate of appreciation for paper presentation on 4th and 6th Annual National Research Conference of Wachemo University
  • Certificate of Higher Diploma Program
  • Paper Presentation at the 4th Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Conference to be held at Hilton Hotel, Walnut Rd, Durban, South Africa between 17 and 20 of September 2019.
  • Certificates of Participation on different committee works in University affairs

Name: Dr. Epherm sebro Wossoro
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
Specialization: Phd
Contact Address: Wachemo University,Hossana, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Telephone(s): +251916719470

Research interest:

  • Molecular biology
  • Genetic engineering
  • embryo transfer
  • advanced reproductive physiology
  • Animal disease control


  1. Reproductive and Productive Performances of Local Cows under Farmer Management in Soro District, Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia
  2. The Response of Estrus Synchronisation of Zebu and Zebu Cross Bred Cattle with Single Treatment of PGF2a in Hadiya Zone, Southern Ethiopia
  3. Challenges and Opportunities of Urban Dairy Cattle Keeping and its Role in Poverty Reduction of Livelihoods in Hosanna Town, Southern Ethiopia

Name: Haftu Kebede Sebho
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
Contact Address: Wachemo University,Hossana, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Telephone(s): +251916719470

Research interest:

  • Poultry (Physiology, Growth, Heat Stress, production & Reproduction)
  • Dairy Products Technology


  1. Haftu Kebede and Gezu Tadesse, 2014. Survey on Honey Production System, Challenges and Opportunities in selected areas of Hadya Zone, Ethiopia, Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 6 (6), pp. 60-66, October, 2014. DOI: 10.5897/JABSD2014.0232, ISSN: 1996-0816 © 2014, Article Number: 21B0A8448244,
  2. Haftu kebede, Mengistu Urge and Kefelegn Kebede 2014. Effect of replacing maize with malted barley grain on fertility, hatchability, embryonic mortality and chick quality of white leghorn layers, Global Journal of Poultry Farming and Vaccination, Vol. 2 (3), pp. 121-125,
  3. Haftu Kebede, Gezu Tadesse and Sefa Salo, 2014. Feed resources and constraints for cattle fattening in Lemo and Soro woredas, Hadya zone, Southern Ethiopia, Global Journal of Animal Science, Livestock Production and Animal Breeding, ISSN: 2408-5510 Vol. 2 (4), pp. 119-125,,
  4. Haftu Kebede, 2015. Productive and Reproductive Performance of Holstein-Friesian Cows under Farmer’s Management in Hossana Town, Ethiopia, International Journal of Dairy Science 10 (3): 126-133, 2015, ISSN 1811-9743 / DOI: 10.3923/ijds.2015.126.133,
  5. Haftu kebede, Mengistu Urge and Kefelegn Kebede, 2015. Effect of Replacing Maize with Malted Barley Grain on Egg Quality and Laying Hen's Performance of White Leghorn. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: D Agriculture and Veterinary, Volume 15 Issue 7 Version 1.0 Year 2015, Online ISSN: 2249-4626 & Print ISSN: 0975-5896
  6. Haftu Kebede Sebho, 2016. Exotic chicken Status, Production performance and Constraints in Ethiopia: A Review. Asian Journal of Poultry Science Vol.10 (1): 30-39, 2016, ISSN 1819-3609 / DOI: 10.3923/ajpsaj.2016.30.39.
  7. Gezu Tadesse, Haftu Kebede and Sefa Salo, 2015. Production, processing and constraints of cow milk in and around Hosanna Town, Hadya Zone, Southern Ethiopia, Global Journal of Dairy Farming and Milk Production, ISSN: 2449-1861 Vol. 3 (3), pp. 092-098, October, 2015,
  8. Haftu Kebede, 2015. Production and quality characteristics of Ethiopian honey: A review, Academic Journal of Entomology, Vol. 8 (4), pp. 168-173, ISSN: 1995-8994, DOI: 10.5829/idosi.aji.2015.8.4.96210,
  9. Haftu Kebede S and Adane H K., 2018. Assessment of Donkey Utilization Practices and Challenges in Hossana City of Ethiopia. Agri Res & Tech: Open Access J.; 16(3): 555990. DOI: 10.19080/ARTOAJ.2018.16.555990.
  10. Haftu K S, and Degnet H M, 2018. Determination of Adulteration and Chemical Composition of Raw Milk Sold in Hossana Town, South Ethiopia. Dairy and Vet Sci J.; 6(5): 555699. DOI: 10.19080/JDVS.2018.06.555699.
  11. Haftu Kebede Sebho and Yoseph Baraki, 2018. Challenges and Prospects of Honey Bee Production in Ethiopia: A Review. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare Vol.8, No.13, ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)

Name: Dembelo Tiele Selato
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
Contact Address: Wachemo University,Hossana, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Telephone(s): xxxxxxxxxxx

Research interest:

  • The prevalence and economic importance of Animal diseases, Control and prevention strategies of animal diseases, zoonotic importance of animal diseases etc.

Name: Feleke Tadesse
Academic Rank: Lecturer
Contact Address: Wachemo University,Hossana, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Telephone(s): xxxxxxxxxxx

Research interest:

  • Animal nutrition, nutritional value of milk and milk products, Multi-purpose forge establishment, meat/carcass quality analysis, poultry productions and management


  • Growth performance and nutritive quality of Tree Lucerne fodder under different management condition in the highlands of Ethiopia

Name: Gelila W/aregay Shalemo
Academic Rank: Lecturer
Specialization: MSc., Animal Production
Contact Address: Wachemo University,Hossana, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Telephone(s): +251936 791358

Research interest:

  • Dairy Product processing Technology
  • The contribution of Livestock in Poverty Reduction and Malnutrition Cause in Ethiopia
  • The importance livestock product in human nutrition of daily life systemof balance diet improvement

Name: Tsegaye Bekele Hankore
Academic Rank: Lecturer
Specialization: MSc., Animal Production
Contact Address: Wachemo University,Hossana, SNNPR, Ethiopia
Telephone(s): +251 9161818463

Research interest:

  • Pasture and forage production, assessment Livestock Feed Resource,Identification of Sheep and Goat Breed
  • Intruding Biotechnology On Embroy Transfering On Livestock ,Assessment Honey Production And Production System .Ethiopia
  • Characterization bee keeping and designing /modelling bee hive, Assessment/traing/ teaching farmer on importance and opportunities of AI and estrus synchronization of livestock inEthiopia.
  • Determination/ Evaluation /Impacts On Production And Production System Diseases And Parasites Of BeefAnd Dairy Cattle, Characterization / Indication on Preservation Method of Hide and Skin ,Ethiopia .
  • Assessment on Major Factors That Cause Hide And Skin Rejection at Hosanna Town, Ethiopia.Identification on Challenges and Opporuntets of Honey Production and Production System,Ethiopia. Characterization /Identification Feed and Feeding Resource of Poultry Ethiopia.Community based sheep and Goat breed improvement projectconducted, Ethiopia.

Name: Selamu Abraham Hemacha
Academic Rank: Lecturer
Contact Address: Wachemo University,Hossana, SNNPR, Ethiopia

Research interest:

  • Animal production and management
  • Animal nutrition and performance evaluation


  • Evaluation of Feeding Different Levels of Red Haricot Bean Screening (Phaseolus vulgaris. L) on Fertility, Hatchability and Chicks Quality of White Leghorn Hens DOI: 10.22192 /ijarbs
  • Evaluation of Feeding Different Levels of Red Haricot Bean Screening (Phaseolus Vulgaris. L) on Egg Production and Quality Parameters of White Leghorn Hens (SSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X)
  • Review on the Major Challenges and Difficulties of Farm Animal Cloning ISSN 2224-7181 (Paper) ISSN 2225-062X
  • Challenges and socio-economic importance of fish production in Ethiopia: Review
  • Evaluation of Feeding Different Levels of Red Haricot Bean Screening (Phaseolus vulgaris. L) on Fertility, Hatchability and Chicks Quality of White Leghorn Hens DOI: 10.22192 /ijarbs