Department Of Food Science and Postharvest Technology

Graduates profiles

Graduates of this program will be equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in food processing and preservation, food safety, quality control & assurance and postharvest handling of various agricultural products. They will:

  • Consult and advise quality and process control, and product development
  • Advise Governmental and non-governmental organizations, regulatory agencies, quality standard and health organizations involved on food processing and preservation, food safety & security and various community development activities
  • Consult Ministry of Agriculture in the postharvest reduction and product quality control Coordinate and consult Municipalities and law enforcing establishments in the improvement of food retail markets organization, quality handling and structures
  • Conduct quality tests and manage warehouses in the Ethiopian commodity exchange routes Teach and conduct research in research and education institutes
  • Consult different companies and agencies on food processing, product development and podtharvest handling of food crops
  • Coordinates food security and nutrition programs, Assists research activities of MSc or PhD scholars: Teach at various education levels (TVET, colleges and universities)