ICT Development Directorate

Staffs in ICT Directorate

The core objectives of the ICT Directorate are to address key ICT infrastructural, services and business automation needs of the University with reference to the strategic plan. These include:

The assigned staff members are assigned in the main campus through serving campuses of the university through communicating their own ICT technicians

       a.        Male :             13

       b.        Female :         02

       c.        Total :             15

The core objectives of the ICT Directorate are to address key ICT infrastructural, services and business automation needs of the University with reference to the strategic plan. These include:

Major Task/Objectives

  1. ICT Infrastructures and services enhancement and expansion to enable technology-enhanced education and innovation
  2. Digitizing and Automating operational academic, research, service provision and administrative business processes
  3. Creating seamless and secured educational environment
  4. Driving ICT human capacity development, maximizing business-enabling collaborations and industry linkages
  5. Provision of ICT technical support and maintenance services to streamline the operational business processes of the university

Teams under the Directorate are:

  1. ICT Infrastructure Administration Team

    It is designed to fulfil the goal of ICT Network Services that is to provide a network infrastructure that is highly available, reliable, robust, secure, & easily accessed from anywhere. The new ICT infrastructure development project is launched since March 2017. The main objective of this project is to build a new ICT infrastructure all over the university, spatially inside the existing main campus also including campuses. It incorporates construction of main modular Data centre, Cablings, and end to end campus network that cover every buildings in main campus. We will extend for the campuses near future.

  2. Application and system development component

    It is believed that all offices of the University have to use IT tools to operate their activities by delivering fast and reliable services to the intended user. Some office, but the finance section (with IBM software developed at national level) and student café automation, Clinical Information Systems, Library Systems and HRMIS are developed by ICT staffs at Wachemo University implements automated systems, despite the fact that such automated applications and systems are crucial and opportune technologies for numerous supportive and managerial sections that drive institutional development. Amongst these are Registrar, student service, property management systems, and the like.
    Having this, integrating these sections and linking with Intranet and the website of the University succeeds in this portion, escalating information availability to the intended customers, and to provide anytime accessible summarized data to decision making bodies.

  3. ICT Technical Support and Maintenance Team

    Users usually experience challenges in the use of IT tools, especially when as a beginner, which is further complicated with inherent occurrences of software and hardware operational failures specifically in heavy duty machines. A well organized, equipped, trained, and on time available user help desk in the office is therefore, planned to be established, to relieve users from such routine problems. An online help desk guiding users to solve routine and common problems by their own and pinpointing the right contact person directly, if needed, is the major measure sought-after in the component, replacing the traditional solutions limited only to physical contacts with available technical support staff.

  4. ICT teaching-learning component

    Incorporating ICT tools guarantees an interactive, flexible, and productive environment in the teaching-learning process. Smart-rooms colonized by IT tools simplify the teaching-learning process for both instructors and students, by presenting simple, comfortable, and attractive teaching environment, enabled with direct access of teaching and reference materials online from the Intranet. Accommodation of a collaborative and knowledge-sharing platform within the academic arena is also attributable to this intended-intervention. A potential transformation into focused e-learning programs/trainings with the possibilities of launching automated distance learning opportunities and other related delivery mechanisms is another achievable output, making the University globally/regionally standardized and competitive.

  5. Training and consultancy service component

    The centre can serve the surrounding community in a number of ways, and accrue beneficial incomes, by designing ICT projects needed by the community, by training some target groups in awareness creation and use of IT tools and by advising different offices on how effectively they utilize targeted IT resources and facilitating ICT training for each staff.

  • Create a collaborative working environment with related departments of the University

    It is an opportunity to utilize the existing professional manpower within the University to tackle the prevalent shortage of human resources in the office, with almost absent experienced man power on the market for employment. The departments of computer science and electrical and computer engineering are essential pools in this regard.
  • Create partnership with national and international universities and organizations

    Knowledge and experience sharing with both national and international organizations using the technology in a better way is mandatory at such an infant-level beginning of the system, towards a faster change and development.
  • Find an external fund from international development sponsoring organizations

    It is important to be engaged in exhaustive promotional and project development endeavours to secure and induce opportune collaborative fund granting organizations.
  • Prepare ICT forums and exhibitions at the University

    There should be awareness creation of the university community in the use of ICT services and tools and further advertise the office to the external stakeholders. This will also assist the upheaval to invite potentially collaborating and partner organizations.

    It is one of the missions of the University to transfer technological innovations to the surrounding community. By achieving this mission, it is also possible to generate income to strengthen the office financially.