Higher Diploma Coordinating Office

HDP coordinator

Alemu Deboch Abegaz

HDP Coordinator

Mobile: +251932545599/+251923349869

debochalemu75@gmail.com / alemu2016@wcu.edu.et


The Higher Diploma Program was started at Wachemo University in 2005 E.C. to meet instructors' identified teaching skill gap and support the implementation of Teachers Education System Overhaul (TESO). HDP provides professionals with support for their development as effective and reflective practitioners with enhanced professional status. Due to this, Wachemo University strives to assure education quality by giving HDP training to all instructors. Since HDP has an enormous effect on the professional development of instructors and others, it has been emphasized more on strengthening the program.

The program will enable instructors/candidates:

  • To identify needs and become a professional, reflective teacher/professional demonstrating high standards of professional ethics
  • To develop teaching as a skill-based on sound theoretical knowledge and experience
  • To provide a high-quality learning experience for HEI instructors
  • To be involved in action research, conducting training, collaborative learning, and teamwork
  • To address gender issues and social inclusion
Lists of activities run by the office

  • Assessing candidates work
  • Attending Higher Diploma workshops organized by MoE and/or moderating universities
  • Authorizing candidates to proceed with the next module in the Handbook after ensuring they have completed the preceding module successfully.
  • Carrying out continuous assessment of candidates by a regular check of completed work with written constructive feedback
  • Certifying candidates by licensed diploma
  • conducting a professional discussion with candidates
  • Continuous assessment of candidates by a routine inspection of completed work with written constructive feedback (recommended every week)
  • Coordinating arrangements for moderation visits
  • Delivering training on Teaching methodology
  • demonstrate and discuss agricultural-related problems and issues
  • Encouraging candidates to develop their teaching materials and activities related to their subjects,
  • Follow-up candidates Reflection
  • Follow up on Higher Diploma Programme graduates to assess the impact of the program on teaching and learning and to identify CPD needs.
  • Leading the program
  • Liaising with other education initiatives in the institution, i.e., ELIC, ADRC, CPD, Gender & HIV & AIDS
  • managing the program
  • observing a class session conducted by individual HDP candidates, providing feedback, and
  • Organizing a weekly meeting with other HDL(s) and HDTs to plan and share work
  • arranging meetings with HDTs to plan and share work
  • Providing informal support for candidates outside formal sessions
  • Running 4-hour sessions each week