Sanitation Situation of the town
Hossana town Municipality is not concentrated only on toilet constructions rather
focusing to improve the road construction around the premises. It is highly observed that
the high speed urbanization in the town is the main focus area of the municipality which
makes sanitation as the second priority. And also, these efforts lack well organized
structural and technical management to satisfy the sanitation need of the town. There is
no well-planned way of doing sanitation activities though it is basic issue in Urbanization as Road infrastructure is focus area of the municipality. There are portions of the towns
that are congested settlements with rented houses in which land is not available for
digging pits and people either share a single latrine for common use or go out for open
defecation. Although ensuring appropriate sanitation for the entire town is the
responsibility of the city municipality and water supply and sewerage office, the
organizations lack the necessary infrastructure, man power budget and organizational
setup for developing the sanitation system of the town. Hossana is among the towns that
have large problems related to sanitation. Plan and preparation for the disposal of both
liquid and solid wastes are minimal. The coverage of the solid waste disposal service in
the town is minimal. Sanitation is accorded a lower priority by the community and as
such householders do not take the initiative to invest on improved sanitation services.
The town is characterized with steep and undulating topography exposed it for flooding
which resulted in the formation of several gullies and gorges which aggravates sanitation
problems. The town is characterized with black cotton soil that pit collapse as a series
problem and have rocky ground which makes pit digging expensive.