Student assessment and grading system of Graduate Students

Assesment Based on Marks Gained

Examinations are graded on the following letter grading system, with corresponding points.

Raw Mark Interval [100 %] Letter Grade Grade Points
[90,100] A+ 4.00
[85, 95] A 4.00
[80, 85] A- 3.75
[75, 80] B+ 3.50
[70, 75] B 3.00
[65, 70] B- 2.75
[60, 65] C+ 2.50
[50, 60] C 2.0
[40, 50] D 1.0
[< 40] F 0.0

Thesis or Dissertation evaluation shall be graded on the following ranking system, with corresponding grading scales and letter grades;

Rank Grading scale in percent Letter Grade
Excellent ≥ 85 A
Very Good 75 ≤ X < 85 B+
Good 60 ≤ X < 75 B
Satisfactory 50 ≤ X < 60 C+
Fail < 50 F

Getting a grade less than 'B' in individual subjects and/or courses by a graduate student may be tolerated. However, to complete the program, and be eligible for graduation, a graduate student shall have to obtain a minimum CGPA of 3:00 ('B').