Department of Environmental Science

Graduate Profile

The Environmental Science program is highly interdisciplinary in nature. Upon completion, graduates will have achieved a level of competency to work in the different sectors and activities requiring graduates of environmental science (Environmental protection, conservation, Environmental sustainability and Environmental research).

Graduates of Environmental Science would find a market in Government, Non-Governmental, and Private organizations dealing with the issues related to environment. Some of the working organizations are: Federal Urban Planning Institute, Ministry of Mining and Energy, Ministry of Water Resource, Environmental Protection Authority (Federal and Regional), National Radiation Authority, Quality and Standard Authority, Ethiopian Road Authority, Wild Life Authority, Ethiopian Meteorology Agency, Science and Technology Agency, Urban Development Unit of Regional States.

They can also work as researchers in various institutions, for Environmental NGOs, as extension officers. They may also be privately engaged in Environment related entrepreneurships, such as consultant in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), environmental beautification as income generating mechanism for GO’s, NGO’s and private organizations.

Other graduates will find it rewarding to pursue further studies in Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering, and in Environment and Development or other related fields and join universities or private colleges as lecturers, join other institutes as researcher or development experts on environmentally friendly projects.

The graduates from the department of Environmental science will have the following profile:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and theories in various subject areas of environmental science and the underlying principles from basic sciences
  • Understanding of interaction among the different components of the environment (biological, physical, chemical and human environment) and the importance and impact of this interaction to the environment.
  • Review and critically evaluate environmental data, as there is a growing emphasis on environmental benchmarking and reporting.
  • Evaluating experimental strategies and suggesting possible improvements
  • Skills in presenting scientific results and arguments clearly to a range of audience
  • Evaluate and/or develop environment-friendly technologies to abate pollution.
  • perform risk characterization for hazardous sites and the prediction of potential environmental risk
  • Design and undertake/participate in environmental researches.

Practical Skills/Competence:

  • Proficiency in designing, implementing and monitoring applied ecological conservation/restoration projects, pollution control programs and land degradation/desertification control program.
  • Proficiency in designing environmental monitoring programs and ability to perform various physicochemical and biological characterizations of pollutants in various environmental media
  • Competence in undertaking environmental impact assessment and environmental auditing
  • establishing and evaluating of environmental management systems
  • perform waste auditing exercises for various waste management program to bring about viable solutions to upgrade the system
  • plan, implement and lead land-escaping and site beautification activities
  • Ability to use different communication instruments for environmental awareness and education for the public.
  • Proficiency to participate in environmental policy making, and environmental consultancy.
  • use information technology tools to analyze, interpret and present environmental data and information
  • Development of good interpersonal skills and the ability to work in a team environment; professional ethics, time management and organizational skills.