Professional Profiles

Graduates of Public Administration and Development Management can effectively discharge responsibilities, including the following areas in government, non-government, and private companies and organizations:

  • Exercise knowledge of administrative and public policy making and implementation;
  • Manage various development projects in government and non-government organizations;
  • Manage human and material resources efficiently and effectively in different organizations;
  • Mobilize resources and raise funds for non-government organizations;
  • Serve as a liaison between government and non-government organizations;
  • Manage public financial resources so that they can be efficiently utilized;
  • Establish the system and facilitate effective administrative communication;
  • Administer and manage public enterprises;
  • Effectively lead human resources to achieve organizational objectives;
  • Engage in independent research and consultancy services to solve administrative, political, and economic problems and
  • Act ethically and objectively analyze and reflect openly on how the public administration manages and provides public services in the country.